Link to my SDE Webinars-Free to Watch At Your Convenience

      It's been a busy summer!  Just a week ago, I was in Orlando for ILA and in Vegas a few days before for SDE's National Conferences.  I always love presenting and attending conferences, but lately SDE has had me record some webinars and I just located the page where they are linked.  These are FREE to view at your convenience.  Here's a picture and the link is below.  I hope you'll take a look and give me some feedback here on the website. 

Links to Janiel Wagstaff's SDE FREE webinars

Click here to go!
Thanks to those of you who have continued to follow my posts! Thanks to the nice teachers who came up to me last week and let me know they are following.  That meant a lot.  It's hard for me to find time to write--I have so many ideas, but so little time (I'm sure many of you feel the same way.  A teacher's life is a busy one!)

New things are on the horizon, and I do plan to write.  Meanwhile, I hope you've all had a wonderful summer with some time to rest and play.  Renewing ourselves before a new school year starts is so important.
-Happy reading and writing!


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