Video: Pushing Reading, Writing & Thinking Beyond our Classroom Walls

Hello!  Below you’ll find a two minute video interview with a student showcasing a project done in our sixth grade.  I’m particularly interested in classroom writing that has real world purpose and how this influences motivation.  You’ll hear our sixth grade friend talk about reading informative texts that address a compelling issue, composing texts, and using this information to explore iMovie as a means of sharing important learning with a wide audience. As I watched students at work, I sensed an amazing commitment to the project given the plan to spread the word about a topic they came to care deeply about.  Note how many Common Core reading, writing, speaking and listening standards are addressed by engaging students in this manner.  More importantly, note how this student describes his experience with depth and maturity.  

(A side note:  I knew students weren’t given a lot of direction for using the technology involved in the project, so I deliberately asked about this.  Sometimes we adults are a bit hesitant about diving into programs or apps given our own lack of experience, yet if we let the students lead, they’ll often surprise us with the outcomes (and we, too, learn along the way!).

(A side, side note:  In my zeal to keep the video interview short, I interrupted the student.  This is frustrating to hear since I believe he had more to say on some of the questions.  Videoing and reviewing our own work is the ultimate way to self-reflect and grow.  Keep growing!)


P.S. What catches your attention in this video interview?  I’d love to hear your comments.

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