I Kinda' Sorta' Won the Teacher Lottery!

     Came into school yesterday a bit beat.  I'm packing up our school's leveled library as well as my room:  great thing...new construction, new library, new "space" next year!  Bad thing--hard on the back!  Anyway, I checked my mailbox and found a high school graduation announcement from a student I had in second grade ten years ago.  I didn't expect the personal note I found inside.  K. remembers how rewarding it was to be part of a serious and celebratory writing community in our classroom...10 years ago!  I was so touched by what she wrote, I literally ran around the school (not so beat after all!) sharing her letter with our teachers. 
     What a difference writing makes in the lives of our students.  Thanks, K., for tracking me down and for taking the time to WRITE! 


  1. I think you did win, and win big. It's the most lovely thing when someone takes time to acknowledge others, & this time of year, to acknowledge teachers is pretty perfect. Thanks for sharing. I'm happy for you, Janiel

  2. Nature always helps a writer to learn from its elements. Nature always try to teach new lessons and a writer transform its experience into words. He can transform even silence into words. This blog taught me a lesson.
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  3. It is very inspiring when someone describes such things.


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