Digital Handout from my IRA 2013 Presentation or Me -vs- Levar Burton

     I've been chastising myself for three days about my lack of handouts for the entire audience at IRA 2013.  Unfortunately, my presentation was scheduled at the same time as the keynote opening session featuring Levar Burton, so I underestimated the number of people who'd pass him over to come hear about Quick Bursts of Writing (I mean, come on, it was Levar Burton!).  Plus, IRA encouraged speakers to upload a digital handout.  I'm sorry if you were one of those disappointed many...but it is my pleasure to announce, "IRA has uploaded the handouts and I know how to get them!"
    Go to  In the upper right under the green heading "News & Announcements," click on iplanner, then input Wagstaff and you'll be led to the session description page.  Near the top, you'll see the link to the handout.  However, access seems to be spotty right now.  I jumped on last night to post this and noticed the site had reverted back to its pre-conference mode.  That seems to be happening as I'm posting this, as well.  So, keep checking the site and I'm sure it will become available.  If you have trouble, let me know and I'll send a pdf of the handout directly to you.
      Hope you had a thought-provoking experience at IRA.  I know I sure did.  I will be blogging, Facebooking and tweeting about it over time as I can steal minutes between work and parenting duties!
Happy reading/writing/thinking/conversing!


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